Monarch Meditation Massage
Prepare your body and soul for winter with this seasonal massage and body wrap.
We start with dry brushing to slough off dead skin cells and increase circulation and lymph flow. Next, we massage with a dreamy milkweed balm that is rich in Omega 3 and 7 fatty acids, magnesium, zinc and calcium that help soothe sore muscles, followed by a chrysalis body wrap. We will then place various crystals around the body while you restore your body and re-balance your energy. The therapist will leave the room while you take the time for yourself for a 5 minute mini nap. We finish the service with a restorative energy mist to awaken your senses.
$150/$5 of every Monarch Meditation Massage will be given to a prairie restoration project. Add Milkweed Balm to any massage for $7